
Kohn-Megibow Company is Making the Most of the Market

2 February 2017 - 0:25, by , in Blog, Used Restaurant Equipment, Comments off

Over the years, Kohn-Megibow Company has been featured in several different industry publications. In fact, Auctioneer Magazine decided to highlight Kohn-Megibow Company in one of their issues. It is always an honor to be recognized by one of the auction industry’s premier publications. Here are some of the highlights from the magazine:

The Role of KMC

The article discusses how Kohn-Megibow Company has been able to make a major impact in the Southern California restaurant industry by being one of the top auction houses specializing in used restaurant equipment. It highlights our company president, Stephen H. Grove, who is also the lead auctioneer at Kohn-Megibow Company’s bi-weekly auction events.

There are more than 50,000 restaurants currently serving the greater Los Angeles area and, unfortunately, 80 percent of these businesses fail within the first three years. Restaurants also remodel and upgrade their equipment regularly. Stephen formed Kohn-Megibow Company to service that need for repurposing the used restaurant equipment. Restaurants that are closing usually need to liquidate their equipment quickly. Restaurants in the process of upgrading their equipment will want to get remaining value out of their old, but still functional equipment.

On the other side of the coin, new restaurant owners are desperately seeking options to buy good restaurant equipment without having to purchase it new or get stuck in bad leasing situations. Kohn-Megibow Company acts as the ideal facilitator between supply and demand.

Filling an Important Role

We get the sellers’ used restaurant equipment directly in front of eager buyers looking to invest in more affordable equipment. Our team holds large auctions every other week and they are always well-attended. It really is a win-win situation for everyone involved. Those who need to sell their equipment can liquidate it quickly and all at once. Those looking to buy will find what they need at a more reasonable price than new, leased or even directly-purchased used equipment.

Kohn-Megibow Company has built up a strong reputation in both the auction and restaurant industries by providing a much-needed niche service that connects buyers and sellers of used restaurant equipment. That’s part of the reason why Auctioneer Magazine was interested in covering our business.

Contact Us

To learn more about selling your used restaurant at a Kohn-Megibow Company auction or to see our bi-weekly auction schedule, please explore our website further or contact us today for information.

Special thanks to Auctioneer Magazine!

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