
Take Advantage of Our Absentee Bid

5 May 2017 - 16:28, by , in Blog, Comments off

If you have a hectic schedule, it can be difficult to attend a live auction. Perhaps you have an urgent appointment scheduled, or you need to pick your kids up from soccer practice – whatever the reason, don’t fret! You can still get the used restaurant equipment you need by using our absentee bid (or proxy bid) program. You can submit your bids without having to be there the day of the Kohn-Megibow live auction. To learn more about this process, continue reading!

How it Works

To submit an absentee bid, you or one of your representatives will be required to come to KMC on the preview day, which is the day before the auction. If preview day doesn’t work with your schedule, you may request an appointment by stopping by or calling ahead during the week to see most of the items for sale. At your visit, you’ll be able to see the lot numbers assigned to each item as well as the approximate time they will be sold in the auction.

If there is an auction item that you wish to bid on, you can simply fill out an absentee form. On that form, you must provide the highest price you are willing to pay for that item. A standard $200 cash deposit is required, just like if you were attending the auction in person. KMC will then bid for you on the day of the auction. Bidding takes place on your behalf in regular auction increments, so the price you put is not necessarily the price you will have to pay. For example, you might put $1,000 down as your maximum price but end up winning the item for only $700.

Another great perk to absentee bidding is that you can submit as many absentee bids as you want. This way, you are able to bid on multiple items on auction day.

Why Absentee Bidding?

Sometimes your schedule is too busy and won’t allow you to attend the auction in person – we get it! When this happens, absentee bids are the ideal solution. You can still preview all the items for sale and put in your bids for quality, used restaurant equipment without having to be present on auction day. KMC will take care of you and we will never overbid with your money. We will help you get the best price possible – that’s our promise.

To learn more about how KMC’s absentee bidding and preview days work, contact Kohn-Megibow Company today.

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