
Stay Cool This Summer with KMC’s Used Refrigeration Equipment

13 July 2017 - 18:10, by , in Blog, Comments off

In the heat of summer, you’ve got to stay cool—and so do your restaurant’s stored food and beverages! However, when you constantly use your refrigerator, freezer, ice machine and other cold food preparation equipment during this time of year, compressors can go on the fritz and equipment might start to malfunction. That can leave you with refrigerators and freezers that don’t work when you need them the most.

The result is disastrous. Not only do you have customers to take care of and certain items that need to stay cold, but finding a replacement piece for a good price can also be tricky. But what if there was a way to prevent this disaster from happening? At Kohn-Megibow Company, there is! Whether you need to replace burnt-out equipment or you are looking to buy back-up equipment, Kohn-Megibow Company’s used auction sales make it affordable and easy for you to do both!

Here are some tips to consider when buying refrigeration and freezing equipment at a KMC auction:

1. Know What You Are Looking For
Are you coming in to buy an emergency replacement piece or are you looking to purchase some back-up equipment in advance? Either way, make sure you do your research and find exactly what you are looking for prior to the auction.

2. Know the Size You Need
Take careful measurements at your restaurant and measure any items you are considering to purchase at auction. Just be sure that the new piece will fit where it needs to go and that there is plenty of space. If the quarters are too tight, that can often lead to compressor problems with refrigerators and freezers.

3. Inspect the Equipment
Take advantage of auction preview days and inspect the equipment for sale at KMC. Is it dented? How old is it? What kind of working condition is it in? What is its lifespan? What used conditions are you willing to accept? All of our equipment for sale is kept clean and in great condition, so you can feel confident in buying from KMC.

Kohn-Megibow Company has you covered for all your used restaurant equipment needs. Don’t get left out in the cold when your refrigeration and freezer appliances start to malfunction. We always have under-the-counter refrigerators in stock, as well as single-door coolers and freezers. We also receive larger refrigerators and freezer units on a consistent basis.

Ready to buy? You can always check with KMC representatives or visit our Anaheim warehouse to see what’s available. You also have the option to buy directly at any time if you don’t want to wait until auction or risk getting outbid. For more information, contact us today.

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