
Food Processors 101: What You Need to Know

17 November 2017 - 21:08, by , in Blog, Comments off

Why do you need a food processor for your restaurant? The answer is simple: a food processor is one of the most versatile pieces of equipment you can have. It offers a variety of options such as grating, shredding, dicing, chopping, slicing, grinding and more. Food processors also save time and money in food preparation costs, since it would normally take a lot of effort for an employee to do it all by hand.

Interested in learning more about food processors and what we have to offer at KMC? Continue reading!

Food Processors vs. Blenders
Despite some similarities, food processors are very different than average blenders. Blenders are narrower and have different blade configurations. They are really only good for liquids and soft foods. Food processors, on the other hand, have wider bowls and specialized blades that allow you to chop up harder food more efficiently.

One major advantage of a food processor revolves around the element of safety. If you have your employees processing food manually, there’s a huge safety risk involved. Employees might have an accident with a knife and a slippery cutting board. It’s not only inefficient, but it can be very dangerous. A food processor is safe, easy and efficient to use.

You have health codes that your restaurant has to meet. A food processor will also help with this because there will be less handling of the foods since it’s being processed in the machine. All food processors sold at KMC are NSF-rated, which means they will pass any health inspection.

How to Select the Right Food Processor
Choosing the right food processor is dependent on a few different things. Be sure to think about how many food processors you need, the food you serve and the available counter space you have in the kitchen. Kohn-Megibow Company regularly receives a wide variety of different food processors with different functions, sizes, and commercial grades, so no matter what your needs are, you’ll find the quality used equipment you need, for a fraction of what it would cost new. We get new food processors in every single week, so come check out our latest stock and find the one that’s right for you.

Different Types of Food Processors
Kohn-Megibow Company carries different models of food processors from top manufacturers including Hobart, Electrolux, Robot Coupe, Waring, and Uniworld. Here are some types of food processors you can find at KMC:


1. Bowl Model Food Processors
These are the most commonly used type of food processor. They use a blade near the bottom of the bowl that is mounted on a vertical shaft. This will do the chopping, grinding, etc. These food processors are great for relatively low-flow grating and shredding. They can also be used to puree, whip and mince specialty foods. Bowl model food processors usually have clear covers so you can see the ingredients as they are being processed.

2. Continuous Feed Processors
These use disks with blades that will output the processed food immediately into the pan. They are designed for high-volume speeds because you never have to empty the bowl. Everything is processed and dropped right into the pan.

3. Buffalo Chopper Food Processor
These use a larger-than-average bowl if you need to process food in larger quantities without having to continuously empty/replace the bowl. They have a big crank and blade that’s good for just about everything, including nuts and hard vegetables like beets and turnips. Hobart is best known for their buffalo chopper food processors.


Get your high-quality used food processors at KMC and save money on what would normally be very expensive equipment. To learn more about food processors and to see what’s available at Kohn-Megibow Company, contact us today!

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