
Purchase Your Catering Equipment at KMC

21 February 2018 - 19:21, by , in Blog, Comments off

Are you in the catering business or thinking about adding catering services to your restaurant? If so, every caterer needs quality restaurant equipment that’s mobile. At Kohn-Megibow Company, we oftentimes receive used restaurant equipment that can assist with your catering needs. When it comes time to purchase your catering equipment, be sure to stop by KMC.

Advantages of a Catering Business
For those still debating, a catering business will allow you to generate additional revenue streams with large-ticket contracts. People are willing to pay for good catering services. In addition, it is a great way to increase your restaurant’s exposure and brand identity. You know you have great food, but not everybody makes it into your restaurant. Catering allows you to share your product with more people and get the word out.

Staying Within Budget
Just like when opening a new restaurant, staying within budget is key when starting a catering business. One of the best places to save money is through buying high-quality used restaurant equipment from Kohn-Megibow Company. You can find all the pieces you need for your kitchen or mobile catering business at a fraction of the price they would cost you to buy new. KMC has an excellent selection of used restaurant equipment that is in great working condition. The best part? We receive new items every single day!

KMC Has the Catering Equipment You Need
From mobile refrigeration and coffee urns to folding banquet tables and stackable chairs, Kohn-Megibow Company has everything you need to get started with your catering business. Our Anaheim warehouse has plenty of items including Popup tents, chafing dishes, quality silverware, plates, bowls and mugs that are perfect for your catering services, all at great prices!

The KMC Difference
You can buy the catering equipment you need directly from KMC’s warehouse or purchase at one of our bi-weekly restaurant equipment auctions. Either way, you’ll discover amazing prices that will enable you to save as much money as possible when starting your catering business. Plus, at KMC, our on-site staff is there to help you find exactly what you’re looking for that stays within your budget.

For more information about Kohn-Megibow Company, visit our website, give us a call or stop by our used restaurant warehouse in Anaheim. Whatever you need for your restaurant or catering business, KMC has you covered!

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