
KMC Customer Drives from Arizona to Attend Our Auctions

27 February 2018 - 23:17, by , in Blog, Comments off

At Kohn-Megibow Company, our customers mean everything to us. Our goal is to provide quality customer service to everyone who walks into our warehouse. Whether you own one restaurant or a chain, our staff will help you find the equipment you need for a great price.  

Matt Gorman owns several full-service restaurants under Empire Restaurants Ltd. One of his restaurants just happens to be down the street from Kohn-Megibow Company. One day, he noticed our warehouse while driving by. Being someone who runs restaurants, he was naturally intrigued to find a restaurant equipment supplier nearby. It wasn’t long before he attended his first used restaurant equipment auction.

“My initial experience with Kohn-Megibow Company was great,” said Matt. “It wasn’t intimidating like some auctions can be. I keep coming back because they are very friendly and any questions you have are answered right away. It’s a very welcoming environment.”

Since this first visit, Matt has become a regular buyer at KMC auctions. Though one of his restaurants is here in Anaheim, he actually lives in Arizona and will drive out just to attend our auctions. On average, he attends about 75 percent of the auctions we hold because he knows he won’t find better deals anywhere else.

When stopping by KMC, Matt always makes a point to look at the available refrigeration units (fridges and freezers). His personal experience has shown him just how expensive these units can be to buy brand new. The ones at KMC are always in great condition and can be purchased at a fraction of the cost.

“Overall, the quality of products at Kohn-Megibow is really great,” Matt remarks. “If I’ve ever had an issue with something, they take care of it right away. The staff is really friendly, honest and easy to work with. They will actually go out of their way to help you find what you need.”

Whether he buys used restaurant equipment at an auction or he purchases new restaurant equipment directly from our warehouse, Matt values the excellent customer service provided at KMC along with the wide variety of pieces available.

“I’m a winner every time I come back,” said Matt. “I’m able to get exactly what I need from an honest company that offers much better pricing than the competition.”

For more information about our auctions or available equipment, Kohn-Megibow Company today at (714) 666-8166!

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