
How to Choose the Right Material for Your Cookware

14 December 2018 - 22:21, by , in Blog, Comments off

Every chef has cookware they love to use when preparing certain dishes. When you own a restaurant or other type of food service business, you want to make sure you purchase the best cookware for your kitchen. Much of the decision is based on the cuisine you plan to serve or even your head chef’s personal preferences.

Ultimately, you want to select the right material for your cookware. At Kohn-Megibow Company, we’ve put together some of the most popular materials for commercial cookware into one simple list:

Cast Iron
Many chefs love working with cast iron cookware. It is durable, versatile, and relatively inexpensive. You can sear meats on the stove or make recipes that go straight from the stove to the oven. The material is excellent at retaining and distributing heat evenly across the surface. Over time, natural seasoning builds up and can even add some iron enrichment to your food. Be mindful though that cast iron can be difficult to clean and is not ideal for acidic foods or delicate ingredients.

Stainless Steel
Stainless steel is more lightweight than cast iron and is dishwasher-safe, so you’ll find it much easier to clean. It’s also resistant to rust, dents, and scratches. Stainless steel doesn’t conduct heat as well as cast iron; nevertheless, it is easy to maintain and convenient when preparing a variety of different dishes—especially in a high-volume restaurant setting.

Silicone isn’t really used in pots and pans, but it has become very popular in baking materials and various cooking tools and utensils. It is flexible and non-stick, which makes for great cake molds, and is durable and easy to clean. One reason bakers love this material so much is because silicone does not actually conduct heat, so it cooks gently and evenly in the oven.

Most commercial kitchens will have a combination of different types of cookware and materials. All materials have their places in most restaurants to handle a wide variety of recipes and cooking/cleaning procedures.

These are just some considerations you will want to keep in mind when choosing the right material for your cookware. If you have questions or want to see what cookware we have available to buy, Kohn-Megibow Company is your Southern California used restaurant equipment resource. Contact KMC today for more information!

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