As long as COVID-19 is limiting our ability to host live auctions for used restaurant equipment, we will be conducting virtual auctions online through Proxibid. So far, the system has worked really well and we’ve been able to make the most of it. Virtual auctions will never fully replace live auctions—the cornerstone of Kohn-Megibow Company for more than 100 years—but they are definitely the best way for us to conduct business right now.
The biggest question we get from foodservice business owners is what kind of used restaurant equipment can they find in one of these online auctions? The truth is you can find just about any used restaurant equipment you are looking for, just as you would at our traditional bi-weekly live auctions. We are regularly adding equipment for sale as we take in fresh stock.
Buying through a KMC virtual auction is an excellent way to save money on restaurant equipment—sometimes even more so than in one of our live auctions! You can find great deals and secure the pieces you need at a fraction of the price that they would cost you to buy brand new. The item descriptions are detailed and the online auction process gives you plenty of time to do your research and make your bids. Because it’s a slower timeframe than a fast-paced live auction, you are able to look around at all the listings, set your bidding budget, and make good buying decisions.
Here are just some of the pieces of used restaurant equipment you can find in a KMC virtual auction on Proxibid:
Commercial Cooking Appliances—Commercial-grade ovens, stovetops, flat-top grills, broilers, smokers, pizza ovens, deep fryers, and more can be found at great savings.
Refrigerators and Freezers—We have everything from walk-in freezers to counter-top refrigerators. Refrigeration equipment comes in so many different shapes, sizes, and functions. Check out our current listings and see if we have what you need.
Accessories—Stand mixers, blenders, cabinets, work tables, sinks—you name it and we have it at Kohn-Megibow Company!
Restaurant Furniture—Since dine-in service isn’t an option in most places right now, it’s actually an ideal time to renovate and upgrade restaurant furniture. KMC has tables, chairs, booths, bar stools and all the quality used restaurant furniture you need.
Utensils and Supplies—Whatever specialized utensils or bulk restaurant supplies you are looking for, you can find them at KMC. Browse the virtual auction listings for used equipment or visit our website to shop for new equipment.
Safety and Cleaning Supplies—Safety and cleaning supplies are more important than ever to protect the health of your employees and your customers. When restaurants are allowed to open back up for dine-in service, there will be strict guidelines to follow. Get the best cleaning supplies and safety equipment at Kohn-Megibow.
Be sure and view our latest online auction listings. If you don’t see what you are looking for, contact KMC and let us know. Our stock is updating daily, so we can always sell anything directly to you. Whether you are looking for new or used restaurant equipment, we have you covered!
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