
3 Tips for Inspecting Used Restaurant Equipment

5 April 2023 - 21:29, by , in Blog, Comments off

If you are in the market to buy used restaurant equipment, you may be making a very smart decision. Quality restaurant equipment is designed to last a long time. You can find great deals with used items that work properly and still have plenty of life left in them. However, the “buyer beware” mentality must also be a part of your decision. You’ll want to inspect and test the used restaurant equipment if you have the opportunity. This is one way to avoid making a costly mistake.

Here are 3 tips for inspecting used restaurant equipment, according to the restaurant equipment experts at Kohn Megibow Company (KMC).

1. Inspect it Personally

If you are able to inspect the equipment before buying, take the chance to do so. Inspect it personally and bring your chef along to get an expert set of eyes on the used restaurant equipment. Inspect the item carefully to look for any wear or damage. Test it if you can. These are the best ways to make sure that what you are buying is worth the trouble. If you find any issues, use that to negotiate a lower price. Or, simply walk away if the deal seems too risky.

If you aren’t able to inspect the equipment personally, it’s best to work with a reputable seller who will provide their own detailed inspection findings. At KMC, we thoroughly inspect and test each piece of used restaurant equipment that comes through our facility. We pass our findings onto our customers, so they know whether they are buying an item in tip-top condition or something that needs a little work.

2. Ask About Warranties

Some pieces of used restaurant equipment will still have transferrable warranties attached. These may be original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranty programs or extended warranties purchased by the previous owner. As the new owner, you may be able to take advantage of continued coverage that will provide you with additional peace of mind. Ask about any warranties or insurance attached and if the coverage can be transferred to you as a buyer. You might be surprised what you can find out with a little extra research. Again, a good seller or reseller will be able to provide this information easily.

3. Research the Ownership & Maintenance History

Another bit of important research you can do is to ask about the maintenance history and understand the ownership history. Has this item had multiple owners before you? Are you buying from the original owner who bought it new? What maintenance and repairs have been performed on it throughout the years? The goal here is to get as complete a picture as possible. Any mystery about a piece of used restaurant equipment might be cause for concern. 

For all your used restaurant equipment needs, count on the team at KMC. We sell high-quality used restaurant equipment that has been properly inspected and tested by our experts, and we’ll gladly answer questions you have about any products we have for sale. Check out our latest pieces currently available at auction.

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