
Tag: Refrigeration Equipment

14 September 2017 - 21:02, by , in Blog, Comments off
Almost every restaurant needs a good freezer to keep food and supplies on hand. At Kohn-Megibow Company, we always have a wide variety of industrial-quality freezers available in our bi-weekly used restaurant equipment auctions. You can find a used freezer that’s perfect for your restaurant for a fraction of the price that it would cost...
5 September 2017 - 20:33, by , in Blog, Comments off
Having a clean restaurant is important. If your establishment is not clean and tidy, it will turn off customers and can even attract the health inspectors. You want people to have a good feeling about your restaurant when they walk in the door, and that starts with making sure you have the right cleaning equipment...
26 July 2017 - 7:15, by , in Blog, Comments off
Congratulations! Your bid was accepted at one of Kohn-Megibow Company’s bi-weekly used restaurant equipment auctions. The items you purchased are all yours. But between the time you win the bid and the time you place the equipment in your restaurant, a lot happens – but what exactly? KMC is happy to share what to expect...
13 July 2017 - 18:10, by , in Blog, Comments off
In the heat of summer, you’ve got to stay cool—and so do your restaurant’s stored food and beverages! However, when you constantly use your refrigerator, freezer, ice machine and other cold food preparation equipment during this time of year, compressors can go on the fritz and equipment might start to malfunction. That can leave you...

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