
Tag: Refrigeration

19 December 2023 - 21:47, by , in Uncategorized, Comments off
Are you wondering what to do with your old restaurant equipment? Don’t toss it away; sell it to Kohn-Megibow Company (KMC)! Whether you have a single piece of equipment to spare or you need to clear out your entire restaurant inventory, we’ve got you covered. What We’re Looking For: At KMC, we’re always on the...
13 July 2017 - 18:10, by , in Blog, Comments off
In the heat of summer, you’ve got to stay cool—and so do your restaurant’s stored food and beverages! However, when you constantly use your refrigerator, freezer, ice machine and other cold food preparation equipment during this time of year, compressors can go on the fritz and equipment might start to malfunction. That can leave you...

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